Monday 15 August 2022

Benefits of Siwak

بِسۡمِ اللهِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِيۡمِ

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Siwak or miswak is a tooth-cleaning brush made from the Salvadora persica tree or in Arabic simply the Arak tree. The use of siwak has been mentioned in the hadiths numerous and its importance can’t be more emphasized.

In the Sahihain it is narrated that the Prophet SAW said:

“If it was not for the fact that my nation would not be able to bear it, I would have ordered them to use Siwak every prayer.”

Also, in Sahihain it is narrated that:

“Whenever the prophet would wake up at night, he would clean his mouth with siwak”

Al-Bukhari also narrated that the prophet said:

“Siwak cleans the mouth and pleases the lord”

Further Muslim narrated that:

“whenever the prophet would enter his house, he would first use the siwak”

What is interesting is to note that it is not forbidden to use Siwak while fasting. In fact, it was encouraged and the Prophet himself used it, knowing that people would imitate him.

Let’s discuss some of the health benefits of siwak:

1. Helps oral health significantly: Miswak fights against cavities and prevents plaque and tartar. It strengthens the gums and deals with any pain and inflammation. Using the miswak even gives you a pleasant breath.

2. Digestion process: it improves the health of the stomach and liver and can also prevent ulcers.

3. Clears speech: using the siwak clears our voice and speech, encouraging us to read the Quran, remember Allah, and pray.

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